“Because 1 is 2 Many”: 4FW Kicks Off Domestic Violence Awareness Month
1 min read
Story by Airman 1st Class Jacob Derry
4th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
The month of October is dedicated to raising awareness of domestic violence.
Domestic violence is verbal, emotional, physical or sexual behavior that is controlling, humiliating, intimidating, threatening, blaming or violent against a spouse, partner or family member. It’s the single largest cause of injury to women between the ages of 15 to 44 in the United States, according to the American College of Emergency Physicians; more than robberies, car accidents and rapes combined.
Though Domestic Violence Awareness Month only lasts during October, the staff at the Family Advocacy Program work year-round to prevent domestic abuse.
“The mission of the FAP is to identify, educate and act upon risk and protective factors in the lives of military families and communities that affect family strengths, child well-being and couple wellness,” said Kimberly Lawrence, domestic abuse victim advocate.
The Family Advocacy Program continuously provides education to military families who are in need of support.
“We offer a variety of classes and workshops ranging from couples communication classes, domestic violence education groups, anger management courses, and parenting classes,” said Lawrence.
The FAP will continue to combat domestic violence by representing those who feel they no longer have a voice, one victim at a time.
For more information on domestic violence, please call the Family Advocacy Program at 919-722-1878 or visit the following websites for more information: www.thehotline.org, www.ncadv.org and www.domesticshelters.org.