Naval Hospital Bremerton Honors Deployed Sailors with Tree Lighting
3 min read
Story by Petty Officer 1st Class Ryan Riley
Naval Hospital Bremerton
Naval Hospital Bremerton’s (NHB) quarterdeck lit up with a holiday glow in honor of deployed staff members Dec. 9, 2019.
NHB’s annual Tree Lighting Ceremony, organized by NHB’s Pastoral Care department provided staff, family members, and friends the opportunity to take part in appreciating service and sacrifice.
“Naval Hospital Bremerton continues to support our fighting forces by sending Sailors on deployments to serve and protect this great nation,” said Religious Programs Specialist 2nd Class Christopher George, the master of ceremonies. “As we unite around this beautiful tree, let us rejoice over those who have returned home safely, pray for those who are currently deployed, and remember the sacrifice of all those who have served.”
As the lights shone, Sailors placed ornaments on the tree indicating appreciation for those who have made sacrifices the past year.
“This ceremony is just another example of why NHB is such an exceptional place and team to be a part of,” said Capt. Shannon Johnson, commanding officer of NHB. “Many of us who have been deployed or stationed far from home over the holidays, some many times over, have a special appreciation for this season. Over time we come [to] a greater awareness that whenever we are with the people we care about the most, that is the time to be grateful, to take part in special traditions, and cherish family and friends.”
Those deployed over the holiday season are Lt. Cmdr. Eric Davilamoriel, Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Fernando Perezcarvajal, and Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Oscar Gomez to U.S. Central Command; Lt. j.g. Mark Fisher, Hospital Corpsman 1st Class Isaac Kargbo, and Hospital Corpsman 1st Class Moriah Brockway, and Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Jeansterns Petitfrere, to NATO Role III Multinational Medical Unit in Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan; and Lt. Cmdr. Kenneth Needham to Joint Special Operations Command.
Those returned are Cmdr. Jerri Gray, Lt. Cmdr. Jeffrey Carness, Lt. Cmdr. Erika Schilling, Lt. Cmdr. Rick Heckert, Lt. Justin Hoblet, Lt. Keerstin Whitefield, Chief Hospital Corpsman Piotor Juchniewics, Hospital Corpsman 1st Class Robert Mata, Hospital Corpsman 1st Class Nicholas Behel, Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Tyler Borchardt, Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Nicholas Fouch, Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Daniel Gonzalez, Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Carlos Rosario and Hospitalman Benjamin Riley.
Johnson was joined by Naval Base Kitsap Fleet and Family Service Center personnel to present returned deployers with a certificate of appreciation and a handmade quilt to honor the heroes’ sacrifices.
“Over the coming weeks, I hope many of you will join me in focusing on the message that this season’s traditions remind us of,” said Johnson. “It’s a message of unity and a message of hope that has made us a resilient military community down through the ages.”
Johnson recognized that many serviced members have embraced this message while serving far from home.
“And even as we are gathered here today, we have outstanding men and women in harm’s way, protecting this nation that we love and the freedoms that we hold dear,” she continued. “We honor both them and their family members today as we reflect on what if means to commit our lives to being a force of good in this world, to serving others and to sacrificing for a cause greater than one’s self, with the lighting of our holiday tree.”
The tree will remain lit throughout the holiday season, leaving a perpetual light on for those still deployed and in harm’s way.
NHB supports more than 60,000 military families in West Puget Sound, shaping military medicine through training, mentoring and research to ensure a ready medical force and operationally ready force.