Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Officer And A Doctor

2 min read


Story by 1st Lt. Connor Coombes

2d Calvary Regiment

Managing transportation for an entire regiment of Soldiers, contractors and civilians might seem like an ambitious job to some. However, one Soldier has accomplished this feat while also pursuing a higher education.

U.S. Army Capt. Billy Anse Lacroix serves as the transportation officer in charge for the Regimental Support Squadron, 2d Cavalry Regiment, where he is responsible for coordinating personnel transportation across Europe for members of 2CR.

His daily responsibilities include coordinating bus requests for various purposes, approving military vehicle routes with host nation authorities for convoy movements across Europe and assisting in the planning and execution of rail transportation for vehicles traveling to and from major exercises on NATO’s eastern flank. In other words, if vehicles affiliated with 2CR are moving anywhere in Europe, the movement plan goes through him.

Balancing these responsibilities might seem daunting to some, but his perseverance has aided him in overcoming obstacles.

Lacroix spent most of his early years growing up in Haiti before settling in the United States permanently as a refugee at the age of seven. He enlisted as an infantryman with the Pennsylvania National Guard after graduating from high school and secured an officer contract as a simultaneous membership, or SMP cadet in college.

After graduation, he commissioned with the New Jersey National Guard, and then, transferred to the reserves the following year to work on his master’s degree. Once he completed his degree program, he transitioned to active duty service. He made the decision to transfer components a second time in his career to follow in his cousin’s footsteps and to garner opportunities available as an active duty Soldier.

Throughout the first half of 2019, Lacroix served as the executive officer for Dakota Troop, 1st Squadron, 2CR, during which he participated in two major exercises with U.S. Army Europe, Operation Kriegsadler and Saber Guardian 19. Concurrently, he began his fourth semester at Walden University via an online program where he intends to obtain a doctorate degree in public policy and administration with a concentration in homeland security.

In August 2019, Lacroix transferred to RSS, 2CR, where he has since served in his current job with the supply operations office while continuing his doctoral education. Recently, he was promoted to captain in November 2019.

“Time management is essential to the soul; it’s just a matter of discipline and initiative,” said Lacroix, summarizing how he manages schoolwork while maintaining a standard of excellence in his career.

Lacroix credits his academics with providing him the necessary tools to be an effective Army officer. In particular, he notes that his rigorous coursework has developed his analytical thinking abilities and attention to detail, important traits for a successful officer career.

“When you learn how to prioritize and are an effective manager, you can do anything,” said Lacroix.

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