RAF Mildenhall Library Contributes to Culture of Learning
3 min read
Story by Airman 1st Class Joseph Barron
100th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs
The base library at RAF Mildenhall, England, offers Airmen and families alike a treasure chest of educational and entertainment options for personal and professional growth.
With more than 20,000 items available locally, the base library is prepared to support the broad interests of Department of Defense card holders.
“The library has the full range of materials and genres for all ages you would expect from a typical public library,” said Karen Passmore, 100th Force Support Squadron reference librarian. “Patrons can choose from the latest bestselling fiction and nonfiction books and audiobooks, research support nonfiction, entertainment and documentary DVDs, console games, music CDs and more.”
As a subset of the library’s catalogue, professional development resources are also available.
“We have a variety of language learning materials in the form of books, CDs, and MP3 players,” described Passmore. “We offer material to support study for both Community College of the Air Force classes and educational testing within the military. For those pursuing admission to certain programs and college degrees, we also hold study guides for the Scholastic Aptitude Test, American College Testing, Graduate Record Exam and the GED diploma.”
Whether studying to earn a CCAF degree or preparing for a college entrance exam, the library provides an ideal environment for immersing oneself in work.
“The library has free Wi-Fi via the base Square-D Away service, commercial internet available on eight computers, a bookable meeting space, and tailored research support,” said Passmore.
Once Airmen have satisfied their appetite for knowledge with the materials inside the library’s walls, they can look to the diverse supply of options available online.
“The library offers a huge range of online and digital material via the U.S. Air Forces in Europe Libraries website,” said Passmore. “As long as a patron is registered with the library, they can use their library card number to get free access to everything listed on the E-Library section of the site, including such things as e-books, audiobooks, comics, magazines, movies and the Chief of Staff of the Air Force Reading List.”
The library’s collection of materials, whether physical or online, is extensive, and the staff remain committed to increasing what they can make available.
“We’re always trying to expand our programming offerings to give people new and engaging opportunities,” said Lindsey Wendland, 100th FSS library technician and programming coordinator. “Those offerings may be seminars about library resources, crafting lessons for all ages, chatting comfortably over tea and biscuits in a book group, or watching a movie.“
With all the library has to provide, it serves an important role in the base community, functioning as a centerpiece of continual learning and exploration.
“We make the diverse Mildenhall community become better educated and connected,” said Philip Quinones, 100th FSS library director. “Just because your formal schooling may end, you can learn something new every time you come to the library. Take a walk down the shelves, browse, open a cover and take it home to read.”